Wednesday, February 4, 2009

IBM Releases their X-Force 2008 Trend and Risk Report

We had the pleasure of gleaning the new report which was recently release by IBM and it confirms what we have been finding about the new spread of spyware and malware. Hackers are targeting legitimate websites to infect end users with spyware and malware to gather information for profit, not for destruction. In short, they want your banking and credit card information to make a fast buck at your expense. Traditionally hackers wanted to be malicious and destroy your computer but that is no longer the case!

The two largest categories of vulnerabilities for 2008 were web applications (at 55%) and software (about 20%). It has been shown that websites and web applications have become the Achilles heel for many businesses as there have been attacks on their customers which were launched through advertising on the websites; this was mainly in FLASH ads and now even PDF files. In addition vunerabilities have been increasing in SQL injections as well as other web applications such as ActiveX controls which many of these sites rely on. Vulnerabilities affecting Web Browsers is at an alarming rate and considering how many Windows PC owners leave themselves completely unprotected, it's no wonder why there has been such a drastic increase in identity theft and spyware\malware infected computers.

The report indicates that the majority of malware is Trojan and makes up 46% of the malware being spread right now. The most prevelant forms of these Trojans are the info-stealer's (30%), downloaders (24%) and droppers (10%) with an increase in the info-stealer's and droppers in the past year. To view the report you can go HERE

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