Monday, September 28, 2009

XP Police Pro: Yet Another NASTY Infection

We had the opportunity to clean "XP Police Pro" from the work computer of a local sign/graphic designer named TK. His wife had attempted to manually remove the infection for several days and had been able to get them back online but at a high price. It wound up taking our technician close to five hours to get the infection removed.

This infection was particularaly nasty because it complete disabled the ability to enter "Safe Mode" and the drive had to be physically removed and connected to another computer for the initial scans to be run. Here's what it looks like....

If you see something similar to this, or any of the other pictures we list in our blog, please do everyone a favor and turn off the computer. You need to contact a professional to get this completely removed. We are now offering in home service for just $60 and $40 if you drop it off.

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