Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Windows 7 Doom and Gloom

Information on Windows 7 that was recently released is forecasting even more trouble for Microsoft in the OS industry. As the leader in PC operating systems Microsoft seems to have potentially hit yet another brick wall with Windows 7.

It seems that the IT industry is looking at Windows 7 just as it did Windows Vista; with scepticism and a nasty taste in its mouth. XP users that were unable to upgrade to Vista will also be unable to upgrade to Windows 7 due to the same issues with drivers and system resources. Since Windows 7 is primarily based off of Vista, systems using the OS will need to be heavy on the memory as the same old resource hogs used in Vista are also present in Windows 7.

Companies looking to upgrade their computers will be looking at the bottom line when it comes to Windows 7 and that bottom line isn't any better than it was with Vista. Microsoft needs to figure out a way to get back the basic principles and requirements of XP while still providing the same features as Vista and Windows 7.

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